Gebirgsjager-Infantry OR/NCO Visor Cap with Gebirgsjager Regiment 98 Unit N #162
An extremely scarce example of a Gebirgsjager Infantry Enlisted Man’s/NCO peak visor cap with name and unit label intact under the sweat shield: 14/Geb. Jag. Regt. 98…The metal eidelweiss Gebirgsjager pin and cap eagle have both been broken since the hat was acquired in Germany in the early 1950s and the eagle retains a single prong; the eidelweiss is in two pieces without its prongs…The area behind the peak is built up inside and forms an impressive bulge that makes the eagle more prominent when attched…A fine example of a unit identified cap that is worthy of additional research. Link to 98th Regiment’s combat history with the 1.Gebrirgs-Division
Link to Gebirgs-Jäger-Regiment 98 history:
(Gebirgsjager-Infantry EM/NCO Visor Cap with Gebirgsjager Regiment 98 Unit Named Label)
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