KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA Medal of Kaiser Wilhelm I Silver Medallion BERLIN 1871
A superb quality original heavy silver medal of Kaiser Wilhelm I
GERMAN COINS THE KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA Medals of King William I a silver locket 1871, in FW Kullrich, after designs by A. Wolff and R. Siemering, on his entrance with the victorious army Berlin. Uniformed bust r. Winning Germania with scepter in his right hand sits vv, to the sides of Alsatia and Lotharingia, about broad band with relief scenes of the exodus and the withdrawal of the soldiers. 84.99 mm, 249.82 g Marienb. 5868, Summer K 72nd RR showpiece. Fine patina, nearly uncirculated with light handling scratches…A massive impressive medallion 3 1/2 inches across and approximately 1/4 inch thick. A similar example recenty sold for 3,000 Euro.
Medaillen des Königs Wilhelm I.
Silbermedaillon 1871, von F. W. Kullrich, nach den Entwürfen von A. Wolff und R. Siemering, auf seinen Einzug mit dem siegreichen Heer in Berlin. Uniformierte Büste r.//Gekrönte Germania mit Zepter in der Rechten thront v. v., zu den Seiten Alsatia und Lotharingia, umher breites Reliefband mit Szenen des Auszuges und des Einzuges der Soldaten. 84,99 mm; 249,82 g. Marienb. 5868; Sommer K 72.
RR Prachtexemplar. Feine Patina, fast Stempelglanz
(KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA Medal of Kaiser Wilhelm I Silver Medallion BERLIN 1871)