The Crete Cuff Title, or Crete Cuff Band, (German: Ärmelband Kreta) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to Wehrmacht servicemen who took part in the battle of Crete between 20 and 27 May 1941.
The Crete Cuff Title, or Crete Cuff Band, (German: Ärmelband Kreta) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to Wehrmacht servicemen who took part in the battle of Crete between 20 and 27 May 1941.
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The Crete Cuff Title, or Crete Cuff Band, (German: Ärmelband Kreta) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to Wehrmacht servicemen who took part in the battle of Crete between 20 and 27 May 1941.